The Immersion Experience 2024

Understanding Spriitual Warfare from a Kingdonm Conscious Perspective

Course Summary

In this study we will be examining the "Who, What, When, Where and How" of Spiritual Warfare from a Kingdom Conscious Perspective.  When engaging the topic of spiritual warfare it cannot be done so from a "religous" perspective, but from a Legal perspective with an understanding of military protocols. Therefore, we must have a firm understanding of the source of our authotrity, position, responsibility and role within God's Kingdom acting as a delegated reprsentative of Him through and in Christ! This is a must for those who desire to understand the keys to the victory we have in Christ over all the power of the enemy!

Course Curriculum

JC Matthews

Course Pricing

The Immersion Experience 2024:

$99.95 USD

  • Understanding Spiritual Warfare from a Kingdom Conscious Perspective

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